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   白钢 1969年2月出生,先后就读于鲁迅美术学院,清华美术学院,美国ASID艺术学会会员,新加坡COOL艺术机构顾问,香港中文大学客座教授,中国当代艺术发展委员会专家。    作为一个艺术家,一直致力于绘画艺术、视觉艺术、空间雕塑、装置艺术。先学西画又攻当代水墨,中国实验水墨代表性人物。作品表达当代水墨的原创性和实验性,多种艺术领域的涉猎使其画面呈现一种不可名状的意境,作品以抽象的当代语汇表达了中国的传统人文意境,传达出画家游心物外的宇宙观和世界观。作品从抽象的美学到具体的技法、媒材都作了大胆的尝试,以建构手法表达心中诗样的自我,语言尽可能纯粹而有张力,黑白的错位产生新的视觉体系---代表了当今艺术发展的趋势。 作为一个艺术家,白钢以他的作品证实了中国水墨是一种足以超越传统笔墨技法、具有当代表现力的媒材。多国的学习游历交流使其作品不拘一格,极具独特视角和与众不同表现力。富有东方神韵又有西方审美的作品一经问世,就广受关注。先后参加了多种国际大型展览,获奖数次,作品多次被海内外政要、艺术机构和美术馆收藏,现居北京。 作品系列:   天语系列:天象之玄机存在于黑白晕染抽象对白之中,大象无形,心游物外,自然而生。似云、似水、似风、似木,似与不似之间,一切机理变化来源于心中的自然。   无极系列:东方哲学用西方的语汇表达出来,道法自然,一生万物;万物本无极,抽象手法表达心中诗样的自我。   花非花系列:似花非花,似于不似之间,正在神形之间,姹紫嫣红之中。 重要展览: 1996北京国际艺苑美术馆水墨联展 1997 香港中国当代艺术大展 1998 南京博物馆中国当代艺术文献展 2000 上海刘海粟美术馆新中国画大展 2001 瑞士巴塞尔艺术博览会 2003 中华世纪坛今日中国美术大展 韩国首尔第二届韩国国际艺术博览会 2004 武汉湖北美术馆首届美术文献题名展 澳洲墨尔本艺术博览会 2005 济南水墨动向-2005当代中青年名家邀请展 2006 北京艺术博览会当代水墨展 2007 安提瓜中国当代水墨展 2010 北京国际艺术博览会 中法艺术交流展 2011 纽约当代抽象绘画大展 2012 赴泰国\新加坡进行学术交流 香港举办【大象无形】白钢当代水墨艺术展 2013 北京展览馆举办的16届北京国际艺术博览会 北京农业展览馆举办的第三届中国国际文化艺术博览会 上海COOL艺术中心举办【游心物外】白钢当代艺术展 2014香港中环美术馆举办【境---界】白钢当代艺术展 北京农业展览馆举办的第四届中国国际文化艺术博览会 2015香港巴塞尔艺术节 Artistic Experience: Bai Gang, born in February 1969, studied at Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University. He is a member of American Society of Interior Designers, a consultant at Singapore COOL Art Institution and an expert of Chinese Contemporary Art Development Committee. As an artist, he has been committed to painting art, visual arts, spatial sculpture and installation art. He learned Western painting first, and then contemporary ink painting. As a representative of Chinese experimental ink painting, he shows originality and experimentation of contemporary ink painting in his works. Many art fields involved endow the paintings with an inexpressible context. His works express traditional Chinese humanistic atmosphere with abstract contemporary language and express his world view free from materials things. Bold attempts have been made in his works, from abstract aesthetics, specific techniques to medium- construction technique is used to express the poetry in mind, language is as simple and attractive as possible, and combination of black and white creates new visual system- it represent the trend of modern art development. As an artist, he has proven with his works that Chinese ink painting is a medium that is enough to transcend traditional ink painting techniques and own contemporary expressiveness. Experience of studying and travelling in lots of countries makes his works distinctive with unique perspective and unique expressiveness. His works which show Eastern culture and Western aesthetics have obtained extensive attention since they were published. His works were also chosen into many international exhibitions, won many awards and were collected by politicians, art institutions and art galleries at home and abroad many times. He now lives in Beijing. Important Exhibitions: 1996: Ink Painting Exhibition in Beijing International Art Gallery 1997: Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition in Hong Kong 1998: Chinese Contemporary Art Document Exhibition in Nanjing Museum 2000: New Chinese Painting Exhibition in Liu Hai Su Art Museum, Shanghai 2001: Art Basel 2003: Chinese Art Today Exhibition in The China Millennium Monument Second Korean International Art Exposition in Seoul, Korea 2004: First Art Document Nomination Exhibition in Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan Melbourne Art Fair, Australia 2005: Ink Painting Trend-Contemporary Young and Middle-aged Artists Invitational Exhibition 2005, Ji’nan 2006: Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition in Beijing International Art Exposition 2007: Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition in Antigua 2010: Beijing International Art Exposition Sino-French Art Exchange Exhibition 2011: Contemporary Abstract Painting Exhibition in New York 2012: Academic exchanges in Thailand and Singapore [Intangibility] Bai Gang Contemporary Ink Painting Art Exhibition in Hong Kong 2013: 16th Beijing International Art Exposition in Beijing Exhibition Center Third Art China in National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing [Detachment] Bai Gang Contemporary Art Exhibition in Shanghai COOL Art Center
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